Portfolio Mobile App
A live Showcase of my mobile app development skills. Built with React Native, Tailwind, Reanimated expo and more...
AI Powered Weather App
A weather web app using Open Meteo API and OpenAI to generate a description of the weather.
Birthday Reminder
A microservice that sends a birthday reminder text message to me. Built with Python and Twilio.
Mr RoleBot
A Discord bot with a range of utilities, at peak servicing over 500k users. Built with Node.js and Discord.js Library.
Johnny Depp Discord Bot
Commisioned work for Johnny Depp's official NFT Art Project. Built with Node.js and Discord.js.
Translator Discord Bot
A Discord bot that translates messages for users into over 20 languages. Built with Node.js and Discord.js.
Cuvva Clone
A clone of Cuvva mobile app. Built with React Native, Tailwindcss, Redux, Reanimated and using the DVLA API.
ChatGPT Clone
A clone of OpenAI's ChatGPT web interface. Built with Reactjs and OpenAI's API with login authentication
Deliveroo Clone
A clone of Deliveroo mobile app showcasing my ability, built with React Native, Tailwindcss, Redux and pulling data from Sanity.io and my own API.
Uber Clone
A clone of Uber Eats. Built with Reactjs, Tailwindcss and Redux.
MixMaster Website
A website for a choosing cockailts from an API.
Invite Generator Discord Bot
A Discord bot that generates random invites. Built with Node.js and Discord.js.
IOS 16 Lockscreen
A clone of IOS 16 Lockscreen. Built with React Native, Tailwindcss and Reanimated.